Happy Chanukah!
Chanukah at Chabad of the Mountains!
Join us for Chanukah!

Chanukah is coming, and we want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very happy and inspiring eight-day Festival of Lights!

Happy Chanukah!

  Click here for a full guide with all of the information you need to fulfill this mitzvah.

P.P.S. Be sure to check out our Chanukah event directory. Chances are there is a Chanukah event near you. Click here to search now.

Need a Menorah?
If you are in need of a Menorah kit or looking for somebody to come help you with the lighting or a home visit on Chanukah, please reach out to us. We have eager volunteers ready to share the joy of Chanukah with you!


Wednesday- Night 1 // December 25

Thursday- Night 2// December 26

Friday- Night 3 // December 27

Motzaei Shabbos-Night 4 // December 28

Sunday- Night 5 // December 29

Monday- Night 6 // December 30

Tuesday- Night 7 // December 31

Wednesday- Night 8 // January 1


Menorah Lighting
Check out ChabadoftheMountains.com/Chanukah for events throughout the Poconos

Want Your Own Menorah?
If you are in need of a Menorah kit or looking for somebody to come help you with the lighting or a home visit on Chanukah, please reach out to us. We have eager volunteers ready to share the joy of Chanukah with you!

Chanukah How-To
Not sure whether it's set up left to right or right to left or whether it's lit right to left or left to right?

We can help!

Check out our tutorial here:<>/

Holiday Guide
Menorah Lighting Guide
Chanukah Megasite
Chanukah Kids' Site
Chanukah Story


A Freilichin Chanuka! 

Rabbi Mendel and Mrs. Chaya Raices


Yes, I would like to support Chabad of the Mountains! 

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